A Fairy Tale

Jennifer Conghalaigh
2 min readJan 23, 2021

Everyday, I create a ritual to connect to the elementals and Nature spirits for guidance. The other day, I met a lovely fairy. Her wings were irridescent, like blue snowflakes. She showed me how humans give off s vibration from their heart center that emanates outwards in the form of crystalline mandalas of energy, like a kaleidoscope.

The more loving, peaceful, and grateful the feelings in the heart, the more beautiful the crystalline energy they emanate. This is how nature spirits see us.

That day, I was admiring the way the recent rainfalls had made the lake overflow to form puddles in the wet mossy ground, and droplets from the trees above were creating ripples in the puddles. The whole forest floor was alive with dripping droplets, flowing in rivulets down the trees. It was a mossy, watery abode, green and wet and alive with so much life. My vibration matched hers in that moment, which is how we could communicate. Her energy was soft and flowing and soothing, like the flowing water we were surrounded by.

I asked her why the world seems to have gone completely mad, and why so many people were sick. She said that the sickness has been there, hidden underneath the surface for a long time, and it is…

